Thriving Despite Adversity

Family Mediation/MIAM
This is a voluntary process involving an independent trained mediator who acts as a third person helping family members/ex-partners to resolve differences or address specific issues. Involves attendance at a Mediation Information and Assessment meeting to consider suitability.
Mediation acts as a cost-effective alternative to expensive court proceedings. Formal agreements are reached outside of the court process. The mediator does not take any sides and is known as impartial throughout guiding the process. Participants are encouraged to reach their own agreements wherever possible with the focus on an agreed outcome.
Costs: MIAM/Individual sessions - £100
Offered to children, young people and adults. Bespoke individual or group counselling sessions facilitated by a trained professional counsellor to explore issues/problems and seek resolution. Counselling offers a safe, confidential space to talk about emotional needs and feelings identifying strategies to deal with issues arising.
Children and young people are encouraged to express themselves through creative play in order to come to terms with their experiences and build resilience.

SafeConnect: Child Contact Supervision
Observation and supervision of a child with a non-resident parent, close adult family or friend who may require support to ensure a positive and safe arrangement, while supporting and building relationships between the child/adult. Sessions are 'Structured', 'Semi-structured', 'Exchange only' based upon identified needs on a case-by-case basis. Sessions can be held virtually or face-to-face. Reports provided within 3 working days following the session.
Parent Mentoring/Advocacy
Telephone, virtual or face to face advocacy and/or mentoring for parents involved in statutory services: child in need, child protection conferences, Public Law Outline pre-proceedings and/or court proceedings. Professional social work mentoring support is provided to help empower parents to engage meaningfully with statutory services and advocate for their needs. This may take the form of helping parents to respond to formal reports/communication, preparation for and attendance/advocacy at formal meetings. Sessions held can be one-off or ongoing, dependent upon case need. Self-referrals and agency referrals accepted

Triple P: Positive Parenting Programme - Course
An effective evidence-based parenting 1-1 or group-based programme offering a public health approach to supporting effective parenting and child development. Sessions can be held online or in group settings over 8 weeks
Participants are each given a workbook to work through with a certificate and celebration session at the conclusion of the programme. Final summary reports can be provided following successful completion of the course.

Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities Parent Course
Strong evidence based, 13-week group-based programme focused on of raising happy and successful children within their communities. Parents are introduced to strategies to work towards promoting their children’s safety and wellbeing while also contributing to building stronger community connections. Offered to parents of children of all ages up to 18 years

Parent Connect Hub
Offering a single online hub for parents to independently and confidently source/book child-care and social care freelance professionals including: -
Family support workers
Independent contact supervisors
Independent social workers
Behaviour mentors
Children and young people counsellors and therapists
Parenting courses/resources where you are
Babysitting/creche services
Avoids the hassle of visiting different websites to source suitable child/social care professionals